Welcome to County High School Sixth Form
We are delighted to welcome students and parents interested in our sixth form courses. The decision to take up sixth form study is one that requires careful and serious consideration, and we hope this information will provide you with some of the information you require at this important time.
Our sixth form offers a range of exciting courses and experiences. Alongside the full range of GCE ‘A’ levels, we continue to offer level 3 Technical Awards. Our students have an impressive record of making the most of the opportunities offered here to gain excellent results. They also make a successful transition to the next phase of their lives and contribute a great deal to County life along the way.
Our sixth formers study in a friendly, work orientated environment where great importance is attached to independent learning. This approach has been the foundation of our success. They are supported by positive relations between staff and students. Our experienced sixth form tutor team regularly monitors the progress of each student, overseeing their personal development and preparing them for the next stage of their lives, whether that is university, college or apprenticeships, employment, and playing a leading role in our community.
We encourage students to balance their commitments, making the most of the array of extra curricular opportunities available here, from sport to foreign travel, volunteering to leadership roles across the school.
Please follow the links below to find out more about what our Sixth Form has to offer. We hope you find the information useful but please do not hesitate to contact us for further clarification.
We look forward to welcoming you here shortly!
Mr S Harrison and Mr S Turner
Joint Heads of Sixth Form
Find out more about our Sixth Form…