Curriculum Aims
The Modern Foreign Languages Faculty at County High School believe that all students have the ability to learn a Modern Foreign Language and ought to have the opportunity to do so. As teachers we look to give our students the building blocks necessary to give them increased ability to manipulate the language they are studying to fulfil their own needs, whilst also encouraging their curiosity to learn more about the language and countries or regions where it is spoken. We aim to build upon students’ previous learning, both in terms of revisiting and revising what has already been studied but also in order to extend and deepen their knowledge of the language and the cultures of those countries. Our curriculum is planned to enable and inspire further study of a Modern Foreign Language at GCSE, A Level and beyond.
Curriculum Aims
- To build upon previous learning
- To create a solid foundation for the study of the language to GCSE
- To increase cultural awareness
Curriculum Aims
- To prepare students for success at GCSE
- To increase cultural awareness
GCSE Exam Board: AQA
or further information about the French Curriculum within a specific year group please select the corresponding Long Term Plan from the attachments section.
If you need to request further information about this subject please contact the relevant Head of Department.
Associated Pages
Curriculum Handbook: MFL
Year 7 French: Long Term Plan
Year 8 French: Long Term Plan
Year 9 French: Long Term Plan
Year 10 French: Long Term Plan
Year 11 French: Long Term Plan