Curriculum Aims
Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.
The aim of our Science curriculum is to provide the foundations for understanding the world around us, while developing a sense of natural curiosity and wonder.
Curriculum Aims
- To encourage independent learners, listeners and thinkers
- To provide enjoyable courses, that will stimulate interest and enthusiasm in the subjects
- To provide the foundations for understanding the world around us, while developing a sense of natural curiosity and wonder
- Be confident about trying new things in a safe environment
- Be inspired by science and want to learn more
- To understand that science uses models to make sense of observed natural phenomena
- To develop investigative skills of hypothesis, observation, analysis and evaluation
Curriculum Aims
- To encourage independent learners, listeners and thinkers
- To provide enjoyable courses, that will stimulate interest and enthusiasm in the subjects
- To develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding
- To develop and learn to apply observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and problemsolving skills in the laboratory and in the field
- To develop students’ ability to evaluate claims based on science through critical analysis of the methodology, evidence and conclusions, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Curriculum Aims
- To encourage independent learners, listeners and thinkers
- To provide enjoyable courses, that will stimulate interest and enthusiasm in the subjects
- To develop scientific knowledge and understanding
- To use models and theories to make sense of observed natural phenomena
- To understand that science progresses through a cycle of hypothesis, observation, analysis and evaluation
- To understand how physical and chemical properties of substances can be explained by their structure at the level of atoms, ions or molecules
Curriculum Aims
- To encourage independent learners, listeners and thinkers
- To provide enjoyable courses, that will stimulate interest and enthusiasm in the subjects
- To develop scientific knowledge and understanding
- To use models and theories to make sense of observed natural phenomena
- To understand that science progresses through a cycle of hypothesis, observation, analysis and evaluation
- To understand that physical laws are expressed in mathematical form and to develop problem solving skills
GCSE Exam Board: AQA
The attached subject handbook delivers a full summary about the curriculum aims and content for all year groups. For further information about the Science Curriculum within a specific year groups please select the corresponding Long Term Plan from the attachments section.
If you need to request further information about this subject please contact the relevant Head of Department.
Associated Pages
Curriculum Handbook: Science
Year 7 Science: Long Term Plan
Year 8 Science: Long Term Plan
Year 9 Science: Long Term Plan
Year 10 Biology: Long Term Plan
Year 11 Biology: Long Term Plan
Year 10 Chemistry: Long Term Plan
Year 11 Chemistry: Long Term Plan
Year 10 Physics: Long Term Plan
Year 11 Physics: Long Term Plan